Eight Arms

What Small Business Digital Marketing Looks Like [infographic]

Written by Kristin Jones | November 03,2017

I’m a small business owner, so I understand the challenges. And I know that one of the key challenges small business owners run up against is finding the time to handle marketing, including digital marketing, amongst all of the other tasks that demand time—employee management and hiring, cash flow, strategy, customer service, and, depending on the type of business, manufacturing, sales, and more.

The to-do list is never ending, especially if you are among the nearly half of all small business owners doing all of your digital marketing yourself, as shown in Infusionsoft’s 2107 Small Business Marketing Trends Report.

 The questions I have when reviewing these results are:

  • If these business owners don’t know whether their marketing is effective, how likely is it they are wasting money on the wrong things?

  • Could automation and analytics tools save both time and money in the long run?

  • What is the tipping point that makes it more feasible to outsource at least a portion of marketing in order to save time and potentially money?

How would you answer those questions?

If you are nearing that tipping point, where do you anticipate looking for help? If you are unsure, you’ll find pros and cons for new hires, internal reorganization, freelancers and agency contractors in our Guide to Resourcing Your InboundStrategy. It’s a quick read you can skim to find the situation that most matches your own.