Eight Arms

Working Social Media Marketing Into Your Daily To-Do List

Written by Kristin Jones | July 03,2019

Is social media management part of your job description?

If you are a small business owner or manager, chances are you are the one in charge of social media, plus all other marketing, and a whole list of other tasks that constantly require your attention.

In order to tackle it all, you need to establish routines and schedules that can help you ensure all of the essential tasks are taken care of. This 27-point checklist from Semrush is a great start to identifying the most important steps you need to take each day, each week, each month and each quarter to stay on top of your social media marketing.

Are you keeping up?

Let me offer you a resource that might make checking the boxes quicker and easier:

Use our Social Media Scheduling Worksheet to plan out your social media posts in advance, rather than simply trying to come up with something each day. Or, if you are looking for a more comprehensive solution for your business’s social media needs, click the chat or send me an email to learn more about how we can help you craft a social media program that fits your needs and your budget. You can see how our social media content program worked for a small business much like yours by downloading this case study on how Serenity Medical Spa boosted their online visibility and sales through a commitment to a strong Facebook presence and quality organic content. We can help you do the same.