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Could Wonder Woman’s Stance Help You Nail Your Next Marketing Job Interview?

Could Wonder Woman’s Stance Help You Nail Your Next Marketing Job Interview?

In marketing, we put a lot of emphasis on the written word, the spoken word, and images. But how often do you take time to really think about what your body language says about you?

According to social psychologist Amy Cuddy, your body language not only tells others about you, but it also impacts how you view yourself.

Her TEDTalk walks you through her investigation of whether you can “fake it ‘til you make it” by using powerful nonverbal communication to make yourself feel more powerful and successful. (Click to Tweet)

What does this tell me? The next time I have to go into an important meeting or pick up the phone for an contentious call, I’ll emulate my hero Wonder Woman for a couple of minutes first.

Once you’ve used one of Cuddy’s power poses to boost your confidence and get that new marketing job, keep the success rolling by taking on the tasks outline in our ebook, Your First 100 Days in Your New Marketing Job.

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