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Put Your Efforts Where the Sales Are

Pop quiz! Which lead source should you put more effort into: the one with a 1.7 percent closure rate, or the one with a 14.6 percent closure rate?

Next question: Do you dedicate more time and resources to optimizing your website for search or to developing direct mail and print advertising?

 Put Your Efforts Where Sales Are

If you are putting more into the latter, outbound tactics, you are chasing leads with a lower chance of closure.  It is the search-generated leads that close at a nearly 15 percent rate.  (Click to tweet!)


So what does it take to bring in those search-generated leads? A lot of work getting to the top of organic search results (not paid search results).  (Click to tweet!)  And, to really benefit, you need to be in that No. 1 slot — it gets 53 percent of the clicks.  (Click to tweet!)


Identify keywords for each page of your website, then carefully optimize them for those specific search terms. Our On-Page SEO Template will help you keep track of which keywords you are using and guide you through all the places they should be: image descriptions, headings and subheads, meta tags, and more.


Download the On-Page SEO Template here and move closer to that No. 1 slot.  Put your efforts where the sales are.


6 Steps To Creating Enviable Brands

Download our guide 6 Steps to Creating Enviable Brands to learn the crucial steps you should follow to create an enviable brand for your company.

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