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Want Readers to Share Content For You? Trying Asking Them

Want Readers to Share Content For You? Trying Asking Them

In marketing and PR circles, we may be hesitant to “ask for the sale,” but we need to get over it, especially when it comes to asking others to share our content.

Websites with Twitter share buttons generate seven times more Twitter mentions than websites without, says BrightEdge Technologies. (Click to Tweet)

Providing the buttons isn’t enough. Go ahead and ask them to share content. In that many words, even. Tweets that specifically ask followers to “Retweet” receive 12 times higher Retweet rates than those that do not include this CTA. (Click to Tweet)

Our advice: Make it easy for your readers to share your blog, content offers  and social media posts. Then ask them to do so. It is one of the best ways to grow your business blog’s reach.

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