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Why Twitter Should Be in Your Social Media Marketing Plan

Why Twitter Should Be in Your Social Media Marketing Plan 

With so many social media platforms available, and a limited budget for time and money, it can be difficult to determine precisely where your business should focus its marketing efforts.

LinkedIn is the B2B leader, and Pinterest reigns among B2C companies in the food, fashion, and home industries. But Twitter cannot be ignored. With more than 320 million active users, Twitter also has the demographics of a target market many businesses want to reach.

Twitter’s users tend to be:

  • Young: A third of Twitter users are between the ages of 25 and 34. Nearly 60 percent are 34 or younger. (Click to Tweet)

  • Educated: More than 60 percent of Twitter users have at least a bachelor’s degree. (Click to Tweet)

  • Affluent: More than 50 percent have an income of at least $50,000.

Why Twitter Should Be in Your Social Media Marketing Plan

When those choice demographics (young, educated and affluent) are paired with Twitter users’ reliance on the social media platform to inform their buying decisions, it’s safe to say nearly all businesses should have some presence on Twitter.

Don’t just start sending out tweets, though. Take time to set some goals for your business’s digital echo and determine how often to tweet, retweet, and respond to the interaction you generate. Our Digital Echo Worksheet provides a framework for setting your goals and reporting on the results of your social media marketing efforts.

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