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Why Your Blog Should Be the Center of Your Marketing Universe

I’m going to talk today to our business blogging veterans (and those who soon will be). You’ve been doing this long enough to have the basics down and to build a respectable readership. But you know there must be something more.

How do you to take your blog to the next level? By changing your perspective.


A Marketing Blog vs. Blog Marketing

Marketing blog. Blog marketing. They may sound the same, but there is a big difference.

In the first, the blog is a tool for promoting a product (or service). It is one of several tools, including social media, email, SEO and landing pages that all orbit around your business, which is at the center of your universe.

why your blog should be the center of your marketing universe


In the latter, the blog IS the product that you are seeking to promote. It becomes the central figure, with those other tools orbiting around your blog to attract readers.

why your blog should be the center of your marketing universe

Why Put Your Blog at The Center?

It may seem counter-intuitive to put your focus and energy on promoting your blog — after all, you’ve viewed it as just a tool for a long time now — but when you realize that it is at the center of your content marketing efforts, you will understand.  Your blog should be the center of your marketing universe.




You already realize that it is a lot of work just maintaining the blog, so think of it this way: what if that same work in writing and maintaining a blog could attract twice as many readers? That is economy of scale, and that is why it is time to focus on marketing, growing and scaling your business blog for bigger impact on your business’s lead generation and sales goals.


The Blog Marketing Cycle

Blog marketing involves three steps, which work as a continuous cycle, spiraling your blog to new heights.  

1.  Get your blog discovered.  This means attracting new readers and traffic to your blog.

2.  Convert visitors into subscribers.  You want not one-time readers, but subscribers who stick around and come back, again and again.

3.  Leverage evangelists.  Engage them to tap into the networks of your subsribers and others who believe in your business to share content with a whole new audience.

why your blog should be the center of your marketing universe

Which brings us back to the beginning. Continue that cycle, and your blog will continue to grow in reach and influence. That, in turn, increases its ability to do its most important job: generate leads and sales for your business.

You are past the stage now of simply populating a blog with content and using it as a tool for promoting your business. Anita Campbell agrees. “You can’t expect to just write and have visitors come to you — that’s too passive,” says the founder and CEO of

If you are ready to attract new readers, grow your blog’s reach, and increase its impact on your company’s bottom line, download How to Grow & Scale Your Business Blog. Our free ebook gives specific ways you can boost your business blog to the next level. If you have already successfully done so, share tips on how you did it.


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