Eight Arms

Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet (infographic)

Written by Kristin Jones | January 20,2020

Details matter. And sometimes, those details can be as simple as making sure you use the right images, in the right places, on all of your social media channels. Don’t fall into the trap of finding one photo and thinking it will work across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter without at least a little tweaking.

Here’s why:

While profile pics for all three channels are square (either 180 pixels by 180 pixels or 400x400), the visible image proportions for ads, stories, and news feed posts vary. That means that the horizontal photo that looks great at 1200 pixels by 630 pixels in Facebooks newsfeed is not going to render as well in Instagram’s square photo thumbnails.

And while Facebook and Twitter can both accommodate GIF files, Instagram does not.

So, think about how you want to use each image you create, then either take different photos for different channels or edit carefully to be sure key elements of the image aren’t lost in the cropping.

Check out the guide here for optimum sizes for some of the most common image placements in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.



Once you’ve decided how to use your images, our Social Media Scheduling Template will help you outline a schedule for posting them and the rest of your social media content. Don’t let social media be an afterthought in your content marketing program — use it mindfully to complement and accelerate your business blog and other digital content.

Check out these other articles with more guidance on how businesses can maximize the ROI of their social media strategies:


Want to talk more about how to ensure social media is an integrated part of your overall marketing strategy? Schedule a meeting to chat with me – no obligation, just some honest conversation and ideas.