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Fix These 12 Social Media Mistakes

Fix These 12 Social Media Mistakes

Social media is no longer a minor component in your marketing department’s arsenal, but for many it is still a struggle to completely integrate the rapidly-changing tools available now.

We buzz has outlined 12 of the most common mistakes marketers make as they take on the social media challenge in the infographic below. Luckily, there are great resources available to help you fix these blunders.

Fix These 12 Social Media Mistakes

So, are you ready to fix those mistakes? Here are tools that will help you fix the first two.

1. No social media plan or goals? How will you know if you have succeeded if you haven’t first defined what success is? Set goals for your digital echo and track your social media presence with this template.

2. No content strategy? Social media needs to be considered alongside the rest of your content strategy. Blogs, white papers, ebooks, contributed articles, website copy, videos, podcasts, and even press releases need to be planned along with the social media that will help promote them. This also means crossing lines between marketing and public relations to collaborate on a companywide content strategy. Here’s how.

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