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Put PR Results At the Point of Sale

Put PR Results At the Point of Sale

Driving sales is no longer solely the responsibility of your marketing department and sales team. With a greater demand from consumers for information, and a blurring of the lines amongst corporate communicators, traditional public relations materials have a place at the sales table.

Actually, they have a place at the point of sale in the form of QR codes that put information at the consumers’ fingertips.

Those easy-to-scan codes gives anyone with a smartphone (nearly two-thirds of the American population over 18) instant links that you can fill with the kinds of information that previously required intensive time and research, including the materials developed by your public relations department.

Put PR Results At the Point of Sale

Think about using such PR standards as awards, product reviews and social proof alongside discounts and detailed product information to drive sales and track campaign results in real time.

It is all part of a coordinated content strategy that involves all parts of the your company. More basics on leveraging all of your resources to drive sales are in our Introduction to Creating a Companywide Content Strategy.

Are you already using QR codes to link prospective customers to content? What content do you use?

6 Steps To Creating Enviable Brands

Download our guide 6 Steps to Creating Enviable Brands to learn the crucial steps you should follow to create an enviable brand for your company.

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