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Video Marketing Statistics: Are You Using Video? (Infographic)

Video Marketing Statistics Are You Using Video Infographic

As more and more consumers say they would rather learn about products from videos than text (79 percent, up from 69 percent in 2016), businesses are responding.

Wyzowl found that the portion of businesses using video in their marketing this year has risen to nearly 2/3 - 8 percent.

That number still leaves a lot of room—and need—for growth in video usage. And I’m a little unsure why 66 percent of those who aren’t using video yet, say they don’t plan to.  At JONES, we expect the numbers to continue to increase in 2018. 

If you are recognizing the need for video to work in conjunction with the rest of your inbound marketing strategy, find the right agency to help you out. Our JONES Video Solution & Creation Process highlights the benefits of working with an agency that understands your brand, does the upfront planning to maximize efficiency, and focuses on making the videos an integral part of your overall strategy, not just creating a one-off project that doesn’t blend with the rest of your messaging. 

Here's an infographic filled with video marketing statistics.  Are you using video in your marketing?  If no, why not?    



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