5 Weak Words to Purge From Your Vocabulary for Business Writing
We’re two weeks into the New Year. Were you among the two-thirds of resolution-setters who set goals centered around fitness and making your body stronger and healthier?
Why not set goals to make your business writing stronger, too? We’ve all heard the phrase that ‘pain is weakness leaving the body.’ Well, that groan you hear as you sit down to edit your last writing project is weak words leaving your vocabulary.
Toss the words “really,” “very,” “stuff,” and “I think” to the curb, just like the remnants of Christmas cookies you’ve vowed never to eat again (until next December).
Swap them the alternatives offered by Grammar Check and give your business writing real muscle.
Whether you are drafting website copy, a blog post, or social media updates, focus on these four qualities, also to make your content as strong as possible. Or use our Content Quality Report Card to give your new writing workout a grade and focus on improvement.