Eight Arms

Media Audit: 10 Essential Topics PR Pros Should Address

Written by Kristin Jones | March 20,2018

To win support and funding for public relations programs, earn recognition for PR as a driving business force, and maintain the industry’s integrity, PR professionals need to ensure clients and executives understand the business value PR brings to the table. 

Unfortunately, according to a JONES survey of more than 200 industry professionals, proving the value of public relations is an area where teams often struggle.  Almost half of the professionals surveyed (44 percent) admit they aren’t certain the C-suite truly understands the value of PR. 

This is a red flag for the PR community.  If approximately half of businesses fail to see the value PR brings to the table, the credibility of the entire public relations industry is undermined.  This skepticism also makes it difficult for PR professionals to grow PR budgets and expand programs.

As indicated by the survey responses, many PR professionals aren’t getting the respect they desire from their executives.  And, although their programs may be producing great results, a lot of PR teams are failing to maintain and grow PR budgets simply because they haven’t convinced the C-suite PR is delivering business value.  So, what’s a PR pro to do?

More than half of industry professionals (53 percent) indicated “translating PR results into business results” is the best way to make program successes meaningful to executives.  Another 23 percent of PR professionals said presenting PR results in a way that resonates – metrics, charts and ROI – is the most important thing PR needs to do in order to win over the C-suite. 

This candid information shared by PR professionals serves as a reminder that PR teams need to constantly make an effort to validate PR.  The good news is, less than two percent of PR professionals feel it’s impossible to win over the executives, which means the prize is within reach as long as PR professionals take the proper steps to educate and inform executives about PR’s contributions to the business.

Often, PR teams assume that results speak for themselves, but rarely is that assumption correct.  One of the best ways to convince executives that PR is a valuable investment is by conducting a media audit.

Armed with a media audit, PR professionals can better respond to executive questions, while communicating how PR is moving the needle for the company.  PR professionals should be prepared to:

10) Tell executives whether or not they are beating their competitors on the PR front.

9) Advise executives as to whether or not their key messages are getting through.

8) Report the percentage of coverage that is business press vs. consumer press vs. trade press vs. blogs.

7) Answer the question, “How often are our executives getting quoted vs. competitor executives?”

6) Communicate which stakeholders – investors, prospects, customers, partners – are being reached through PR.

5) Tell executives which of the company’s products are getting the most coverage.

4) Inform executives how coverage of the company’s products compares to that of competitive offerings.

3) Report the company’s Share of Voice (SOV) for important thought leadership topic areas.

2) Show executives how PR results mapped to changes in budget levels.  

1) Answer the question, “Is PR driving sales?” 


Mark Twain said, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” 

Never has a more true statement been uttered.  If you continue to engage executives the way you do today – with big clip books and meaningless metrics – you’ll get the same response: indifference and skepticism.  Translate PR results into business results, as many survey participants stated, and you’ll be able to win over the C-suite.  

Wondering where to start? Download our Media, Messaging and Marketing Audit Checklist for a rundown on the data and background information you need to collect for an effective and useful media audit.