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Your Marketing Needs To Keep Up

your marketing needs to keep up


Consumers are changing how they gather information, make buying decisions and shop. Did you know that 79 percent of adult Americans use the Internet? Of those, 78 percent conduct product research online. (Click to Tweet!)


This new approach means they have more access to information than ever before. And if you aren’t providing the information they want, chances are your competitors are. Surveys show 67% of B2C and 41% of B2B companies have acquired a customer through Facebook. (Click to Tweet!) Many more have blogs to thank for drawing in leads and customers.


Our advice: If your company’s marketing is stuck in 2000, it’s time to make the case to your boss for inbound marketing. After all, the cost per lead for inbound is 62% less than what you are likely doing now.


6 Steps To Creating Enviable Brands

Download our guide 6 Steps to Creating Enviable Brands to learn the crucial steps you should follow to create an enviable brand for your company.

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