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Target Your Content, SEO To Stake Your Claim In Digital Universe

Target Your Content, SEO To Stake Your Claim In Digital Universe


It’s easy sometimes to think of the digital universe as being small. After all, it shortens distances, as least virtually, between you and your colleagues across the globe, allows you to reconnect with friends from childhood, and provides links to former coworkers who continue to provide networking opportunities though you no longer work together.

It’s a small world, after all.

Or is it?

When it comes to content, the digital universe is constantly expanding, as Domo points out in mind-boggling numbers. Here’s a one-minute snapshot of what happens globally every 60 seconds. (Click to Tweet)

  •  300 hours of YouTube video

  • 110,000 Skype calls

  • 347,000+ Tweets

  • 4.1 billion Facebook “likes”

 Target Your Content, SEO To Stake Your Claim In Digital Universe

Still think it’s a small world?

With that much content to compete with — and a 3.2 billion member potential audience — how can you make sure you target your content to the right people? It takes three steps:

  1. Identify your customer personas and their needs.

  2. Create quality content and blog posts using the keywords thoes customer personas are likely to search.

  3. Optomize each page of your website using thoes keywords and search-friendly meta descriptions.

Creating a cohesive companywide strategy for content will keep your efforts tightly focused, rather than simply throwing random words into the abyss.


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