Eight Arms

8 Rules For Mobile-Friendly Email Marketing

Written by Kristin Jones | October 16,2019

Email marketing is an important element in any inbound marketing program, especially for connecting with leads who convert on your website, in order to offer additional content and value that may lead to a completed sale. So what factors lead to effective use of email marketing for inbound?

Whichever type of email you are creating, these 8 tips compiled by Clevertap are essential in maximizing interaction with your emails, including conversions for sales. With more than 2 in 3 emails being opened on mobile devices,  there is no excuse for B2B email marketing that doesn’t follow these rules.

1. Keep those subject lines short and sweet. Remember that the small screen of a smart phone may show only 25-30 characters.

2. Draw them in with text that makes the offer clear and compelling.

3. Personalize! Just including a first name, either in the subject line or as a greeting in the body of the email, has been shown to increase click-through rates from 5.8 percent to 7 percent.

4. Focus on just one call-to-action.

5.Clear out the clutter.

6. Maximize readability by keep copy concise.

7.Test! Testing can not only ensure your emails are readable on various devices and apps, but also ensure they don’t fall into the spam trap.

8.Make it easy to scroll and skim and get to the call-to-action (CTA) the reader really wants to see.


Find more tips on what to do (and what to avoid) in your inbound marketing emails in our free ebook: Email For Inbound: Do This, Not That and improve the effectiveness of your lead nurturing email strategy.