Content Marketing in 2018: By The Numbers
When it comes to B2B marketing, content is essential. Buyers want information, and most want to see a lot of it before they engage with a salesperson.
This collection of 64 different statistics gathered by iScribblers highlights some of the key things to consider as you craft your own B2B content marketing and inbound strategies.
Here are few that jumped out at me, along with links to take you deeper into how those stats directly impact your content marketing strategy:
1. Sixty-five percent of B2B marketers use blogging as a part of their content strategy, with 45 percent ranking it as most important. And long-form blog posts generate 9 times more leads than shorter posts. That means you need to carefully think through your blog strategy to develop posts that engage readers and generate leads. Make planning and writing easier with our Business Blog Tool Kit.
2. More than 3/4 of business buyers will share their name and email address to access white papers; 66 percent will convert for reports and 63 percent for ebooks. Are you creating these types of lead generating content offers and promoting them in your business blog? Find more ideas for downloadable assets here: 5 Downloadable Assets To Kick Off Your Next Inbound Marketing Campaign.
3. Seven out of ten people would rather use video to learn about a product or service. Are you including video in your inbound marketing strategy? See how West has put it to use: Secrets For Video Marketing Success: What West & JONES Did Right.
4. Nearly 65 percent of B2B marketers outsource writing. This isn’t surprising, but this stat alone doesn’t get to the core of the question: Is that outsourcing providing high quality content? Take this quiz to see if your marketing department is getting the kind of content it needs from its freelancers or an outside agency: Grade Your Marketing Agency’s Content Creation.
Which statistics jumped out at you or will influence how you plan your next campaign? Download our cheat sheet for inspiration on how use content at every stage of the sales funnel.