Eight Arms

Give Editors The Right Reasons To Accept Your Contributed Articles

Written by Scott Muff | March 04,2020

With the realms of marketing and public relations continually meeting, meshing and intertwining, using contributed articles as part of an integrated campaign is the perfect way to reach thousands of prospects with top-of-the-funnel content that establishes you brand as an industry authority.

But you aren’t the only one seeking editorial space from related blogs and industry media. As PointVisible points out in this infographic, many editors get at least 6-10 pitches every day, and 20 percent of those editors say 9 out of 10 pitches are so bad, they don’t even bother to read them properly.


So what can you do to keep your contributed article pitch from going straight to the trash bin?

PointVisible outlines some reasons for rejection:

  • Low quality content

  • Not following guidelines

  • Too promotional

  • Not a good fit

  • Brand misalignment


It seems like we’ve covered these before.

(In this Q&A post, Scott Muff, JONES partner in charge of media relations and digital media, explains how we use original research to fuel complete campaigns, including thought leadership articles, by specifically targeting industry media with relevant, non-promotional content using abstracts to present the initial article concept. The articles are then written to meet the publication guidelines, and the quality of our content has made placing additional articles with those same publications easier because they trust our work.)

Contributed articles are not simply PR pieces, however. When used as one component of a complete campaign, they can also contribute to increased web traffic and online lead generation. When you promote your contributed articles properly, they become powerful tools in your marketing efforts.


If you aren’t already utilizing contributed bylined articles as part of an integrated marketing and PR strategy, we’ve laid out the steps to help you put them to work. How To Get Your CEO Published is a guide to planning, pitching and writing contributed articles and guest posts that build your brand’s awareness and authority.