Eight Arms

Internet Statistics In Real Time: Are You Keeping Up?

Written by Kristin Jones | May 02,2018

Ever wonder what it would be like to see every tweet tallied up as it is being published? Just how fast do you imagine that ticker would roll?

Ten seconds in, the tally is already at more than 75,000. In 30 seconds, YouTube is already beyond 300,000 videos viewed.

See for yourself in this real-time infographic developed by the folks at Webmastersjury.org.

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Mind-boggling. Especially when you think about wedging your own content in there, hoping it is seen by the right people at the right time amongst the billions of competing messages.

Luckily, there are plenty of Facebook “likes” to go around — 6.7 million of them in just 2.5 minutes.

Make the most of your contribution to the rolling internet statistics by carefully crafting and scheduling your social media updates to publish at the times that make the most sense for your audience. Download our Social Media Scheduling Template to plan your posting, and then check out these other blog posts for more tips to maximize your social media marketing and presence: