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Social Media Post Lengths You Can Count On

Social Media Post Lengths You Can Count On


Do you remember how long each social media post should be?

  • Twitter: 140 characters max (but 100 is better).

  • Facebook: Posts can be as long as you like, but the best response is for 40 characters, believe it or not.

  • Google+: Pair a 60-character headline with 200-440 characters of content.

  • Pinterest: Keep pin descriptions to 200 characters for the most repins.

  • LinkedIn: B2C can use a few more words than the B2B guidelines of 16-25 words per post.

It’s enough to make your brain swirl. Thankfully, ExpressWriters lays out all of those character count targets and more for us in this infographic.

Social Media Post Lengths You Can Count On

Want to make it even easier? Use our free social media scheduling worksheet template. It will automatically calculate the character count as you plan out the schedules for each of your social media accounts.

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