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Details and Data on Visual Marketing Content

Details and Data on Visual Marketing Content

Just how important is visual content to today’s marketing strategy? Do we really need to ask?

Venngage did ask, and the response was overwhelming: more than 92 percent of marketers said visual content is either very important (31.7 percent) or absolutely necessary (60.8%). Well, then.

Are you following the current trends in visual marketing content? Venngage’s survey of over 300 online marketers draws a complete picture of the world of visual digital content today—how much, what kinds, and the time and resources invested into creating it.

Details and Data on Visual Marketing Content

There is potential for visual content to match up to nearly every stage of the sales funnel, from an awareness level infographic shared in blog posts and social media updates, to charts and data for product comparisons and video demos to close the deal.

Review your current content strategy and our Content Strategy for the Sales Funnel cheat sheet with an eye toward finding ways to incorporate more visual content into your inbound marketing. Don’t get left behind.

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