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Marketing Secrets of the Fastest Growing B2B Brands (infographic)

Marketing Secrets of the Fastest Growing B2B Brands (infographic)


In their report on what 50 of the fastest growing B2B companies are doing, Mattermark and Drift quote Andrew Davis, author of Brandscaping:

“Content builds relationships.

Relationships are built on trust.

Trust drives revenue.”

Content is what those companies are doing, with 80 percent offering blogs or online publications and 44 percent providing downloadable content.

That content gives businesses’ prospects the information they want and need.

Marketing Secrets of the Fastest Growing B2B Brands (infographic)

Content and communication are the keys to creating trust that earns, and keeps, satisfied customers.

Are you looking for ways to increase or improve the content your marketing department develops? Take a look at our JONES Content Creation Solution Sheet to see the four primary benefits content provides to your overall marketing strategy.

6 Steps To Creating Enviable Brands

Download our guide 6 Steps to Creating Enviable Brands to learn the crucial steps you should follow to create an enviable brand for your company.

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