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Social Media Mistakes That Knock Your Marketing Out Early

Social Media Mistakes That Knock Your Marketing Out Early

We all make mistakes. Sometimes more than we’d like to admit. But admitting—and fixing—even one of these social media mistakes could help you improve your reach and lead generation opportunities.’s infographic outlines seven social media mistakes many people make, as described in the book “Jab, Jab, Jab Right Hook” by Gary Vaynerchuk. While some of them won’t apply to everyone (I doubt many of our B2B marketing clients or their customers fall into that age 13-25 Snapchat audience it says we shouldn’t ignore), others are spot-on.

Social Media Critical Mistakes Image here:

Correcting some of these mistakes is easier than you might think. Start by planning at least some of your social media engagement in advance. Using a social media scheduling calendar to plot our your tweets, Facebook status updates and LinkedIn group conversations gives you a chance to review how often you provide useful information compared to sales-oriented calls-to-action.

Mistakes #2 and #7 have the same core problem: thinking that outbound sales still work. If you haven’t already, it’s time to embrace inbound marketing and focus on creating content that brings leads and customers to you, rather than chasing them down with in-your-face outbound methods.

Another mistake this graphic doesn’t mention is failing to set goals and track results. How can you know if you are succeeding if you don’t first define what success means, and then quantify your efforts? You can correct that mistake with our Digital Echo Worksheet template. Now, get out there and do social media right.

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