Social Media Tip: Use Groups To Build Community
While some argue that social media has been detrimental to relationship building between individuals, it also has the power to enhance relationship building when used correctly. (See Impact of Social Media on Relationships from PsychBytes.)
One way you can use social media to build positive relationships between your business and its customers, and between customers themselves, is through development of Facebook Groups. Facebook Groups are interactive forums, typically dedicated to a shared interest — anything from a way for members of an organization to keep in touch to buy/sell/trade groups to parenting styles.
Businesses can use groups, also, to bring together their customers around a shared interest for two-way conversations. For healthcare providers, a Facebook Group might offer additional information about lifestyles for managing a chronic illness such as diabetes, while providing patients a safe place online to share questions, concerns, experiences and advice with others in a similar situation.
Other brands use groups to share information and tips about using a specific product, such as the 1.4 million member “Instant Pot Community” full of photos and posts about using the hit kitchen appliance.
By fostering a relationship with customers, patients and the public, businesses can use Facebook Groups to build community using the same content developed for other social media and content marketing strategies.
This is just one more way Facebook can benefit healthcare providers in their digital marketing efforts. See more in 6 Ways Facebook Benefits Healthcare Providers. You’ll find many more tips on using social media marketing for healthcare here on the Inbound Accelerator blog or in our Inbound Marketing Learning Library.