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What It Takes to Create Content Marketing

What It Takes to Create Content Marketing

Content is key to today’s marketing environment, but creating it is consistently cited as one of the greatest challenges marketers face.


Because creating great content that is effective in driving website traffic, generating leads and fostering engagement that leads toward a sale is more complex than throwing together a quick blog post.

This infographic from Vertical Measures looks at each of the steps and roles involved in content creation.

How Links Pass Authority Animated Infographic
Infographic by Vertical Measures

There are a lot of different roles and perspectives involved in taking on content marketing, and chances are good your current team may not have all of those players in place.

That is where an agency partner comes in. When you partner with a full-service inbound marketing agency, you should have access to experienced team members in each of those roles, ready to get your content marketing project and plan off the ground.

Are you looking for help in creating your inbound marketing content? Check out the JONES Content Creation Solution to learn more about what our agency can offer.

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