Your LinkedIn Business Posting Guide: What, When & How Often (infographic)
When it comes to B2B marketing, your social media strategy must include LinkedIn. You may not necessarily need to use paid promotions, but carefully crafted organic content can be key in establishing your company’s brand position, as well as driving traffic to your website.
After all, LinkedIn makes up more than half of all social traffic to B2B websites and blogs. (Source)
As with any content channel, however, there are a few best practices that you will want to follow to maximize the impact of your LinkedIn presence.
So, what should you post on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is the place where everything you publish or share must be valuable to your target audience. This isn’t really the place for a lot of silly, attention-grabbing antics (though a little humor can make your company more relatable). Whether you are sharing your own blog posts, insightful articles, infographics and videos from other sources, or publishing LinkedIn articles, be sure the content is something that will benefit your followers in their business and career goals.
As with other platforms, engagement with text-only posts trails those that include an image (images receive almost twice as many comments as text-only posts). YouTube videos that play automatically in the newsfeed generate a 75 percent higher share rate, and LinkedIn says that videos drive a 5x increase in engagement. (Source)
Quality and relevance are key in meeting the demands of LinkedIn’s algorithm.
It is just fine to use LinkedIn for business announcements, but balance brand-focused content with useable information for your followers to avoid being flagged as spam or “unfollowed” due to excessive promotion. In their own guide to using the platform for B2B marketing, LinkedIn recommends a 3-2-1 formula: 3 industry-related posts, 2 pieces of “proud” content about your company or employees, to 1 promotional piece.
When should you post on LinkedIn?
Since the majority of LinkedIn users, and your target audience as a B2B brand, are businesspeople, the most active times on the platform are during the working day, especially at the beginning and end of the day. That means it is best to post first thing in the morning, to catch those who start their days by catching up on the business world, or in the late afternoon or early evening for those who network at the end of the day.
How often should you post on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn differs from the fast-moving environment of Twitter. We recommend posting daily to stay engaged, but even consistently posting just one week will garner twice the engagement of businesses that post less frequently, LinkedIn says.
If your social media strategy includes other platforms as well, check out our Complete Social Media Guide and our Business How-To Hashtag Guide. We also have several free resources on social media for B2B and inbound marketing in our Inbound Marketing Learning Library, including a Social Media Scheduling template, which is free to download. If you are looking for more customized advice on how to blend LinkedIn and other social media channels into your integrated marketing strategy, let’s chat. You can schedule a no-obligation consultation with me here.