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Are You Giving Your Boss the Right Marketing Analysis Numbers?

Are You Giving Your Boss the Right Marketing Analysis Numbers?

As a marketer, you may need to not only market your company’s product or service to customers, but also sell your boss on the budget needs of your marketing department.

Did you realize that 73 percent of executives don’t believe that marketers are focused enough on results to truly drive incremental customer demand? (Click to Tweet) Ouch.

Show your boss that you really are results-focused by giving them the marketing analysis they want to know most. Not click-through rates or social media engagement. The C-suite wants hard dollar-focused figures.

Executives want to know customer acquisition costs, marketing’s share of that cost, and how it relates to customer lifetime value. (Click to Tweet)

Our advice: Take the time to determine these important figures, and three more, before your next budget meeting. Here’s how.Your boss will thank you.

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