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Secret Trick to Improving Landing Page Conversions by 40%

Secret Tricks to Improving Landing Page Conversions by 40%


Sometimes little changes yield big results. But how do you know which changes are best?


Simple. You test them. Split, or A/B, testing involves making small changes to otherwise identical marketing elements, then randomly assigning them to visitors, email recipients or leads, and tracking the results.


Improving landing page conversions might mean showing website visitors two different colors of CTA buttons at the top of your home page, writing two different email subject lines or changing the length of the form on a landing page.

 Secret Trick to Improving Landing Page Conversions by 40%

Marketing software provider and JONES partner HubSpot has found that A/B testing landing page elements can help B2B companies increase their website lead generation by up to 40 percent. (Click to Tweet!)  


Find more on conducting A/B tests of your landing pages and more in Introduction to Using A/B Testing for Marketing Optimization. It’s even easier with HubSpot; let us show you how.


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