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Quick tip: Use 2017 Budget to Develop 2018 Content Marketing Plan

Put This Year's Budget to Work On Next Year's Content Marketing Plan

One of the best things you can do in 2017 for your 2018 inbound marketing strategy is plan it now.

Effective content creation and development of lead nurturing workflows requires time, and if you want to start the new year off with a bang, now is the time to be drafting the content marketing plan that will guide your efforts in 2018. Use any extra year-end budget allocations to get started.

Here are a few projects to maximize this year’s budget and drive next year’s results:

Develop a complete year-long campaign calendar, including target audience, content concepts for all stages of the sales funnel, and plans to assign content creation to in-house writers or a partner agency.

Use remaining 2017 budget to commission video to include in your 2018 strategy.




Complete a marketing content audit to determine where there are gaps in your existing strategy.

Each of these projects can be started, and likely finished, by the end of the year, making them perfect when you have those “use it or lose it” funds in your account.

Find 10 more ideas for maximizing your year-end budget with meaningful projects that start your 2018 marketing efforts out on the right foot in our 13 Ways to Use Your End-of-Year Budget checklist. 



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