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Quick Tips to Keep Up: Two Tricks For Great Calls-to-Action


two tricks for great calls to action


By definition, a "call-to-action" is a call - it is there to get attention and generate action.  One of the keys to doing so is to make your call-to-action stand out with strong, contrasting colors.  Carelogger found that they increased their CTA conversions by 34% just by switching from a green button to a red one. (Click to tweet!)


Size matters, too.  Your CTA button needs to be big enough to be noticed.  HubSpot has found that a good button size for CTAs is 225px wide and 45 px high.  (Click to tweet!)


Our advice: When designing your CTAs, make sure they can be found on the page.  Let them call out; whispers are easy to ignore.  Follow these two tricks for great calls-to-action and see results!


Put more best practices to use in designing your calls-to-action with our free ebook download: The Comprehensive Guide to Designing & Executing Calls-To-Action.

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