Quick Tip: Save Time with Marketing Templates (free downloads)
One of the most precious commodities for any marketing team is time. As we try to do more with less, it seems as though everyone is stretched thin and there often isn’t enough time to accomplish everything we’d like to do.
You aren’t the only one worried about time: Dan Shewan cited lacked of resources as the number one challenge for content marketers in this blog.
Perhaps that is why nearly half of all media planners told HubSpot recently that the most effective strategy they use to reach business goals is by leveraging templates. After all, it doesn’t make sense to start from scratch every time you plan a campaign, generate a report for the C-suite or design an infographic for social media.
The brings up the question of how to find or create the templates you’ll use over and over to reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks and focus it on more impactful (and honestly, more fun) strategy development and content creation.
You can create the templates yourself from materials that have already proven successful for your team, whether that involves a spreadsheet to track your thought leadership abstracts and media pitches or a social media calendar. Or, better yet, you can find templates someone else has already created and used successfully to manage the same kinds of tasks you do every day. One place to look is in the “Do” section of our Inbound Marketing Learning Library—we’ve covered a lot of the bases.
Here are just a few of the templates you will find available to download and use today, no strings attached, with blog posts detailing how to put them to use for the greatest efficiency.
There are a dozen more resources in that section of our resource library alone, and more than 100 altogether, ranging from how-to videos to checklists, ebooks, case studies and more. Whether you want to redesign your company website, start a thought leadership campaign pitching bylined articles to industry media or develop an entirely new brand with messaging and positioning, we have compiled the marketing resources to guide your next big project.
If your in-house resources are stretched so thin that you need additional support to see it through, we can help there, too. Let’s talk about how JONES can provide the marketing experience and expertise your business needs. (And we even have a template to help you present the case for an agency partnership to top management: Why We Need an Agency Partner presentation template.)
Schedule time on my calendar for a call now. I’d love to help you out.