Why B2B Marketers Lean on LinkedIn
Almost all B2B marketers (97 percent) use LinkedIn. When you see the statistics pulled together by SalesIntel, there really is no question why they do.
After all, LinkedIn is one of the best ways of reaching important target audiences, most importantly B2B decision makers at all levels. It is the one social media platform where users expect to interact for business purposes, which may be why 80 percent of the B2B leads generated by social media channels come from LinkedIn.
Check out the infographic for more eye-opening numbers.
It’s obvious that LinkedIn has the potential to be a powerhouse for your B2B marketing strategy, but how can you best use it.
Let’s look at a few of the statistics included:
- LinkedIn is more than just short posts, images and videos. It is also a platform for in-depth articles with staying power. In fact, 45 percent of those who read LinkedIn articles are high-level decision makers. Are you using LinkedIn articles? While short posts may be seen in their entirety by more users, articles offer the opportunity for you to showcase your industry knowledge and thought leadership. Rewrite your other thought leadership content, including bylined articles or business blog posts, with a twist and publish them as articles on LinkedIn. You can include backlinks to supporting information on your business website and reach a different audience than you may be reaching through blog subscriptions alone.
- Current and future decision-makers are on LinkedIn. More than half of all Americans with a college degree use the platform. And while some other social media channels seem to fall along generational lines (you’d be hard pressed to find Gen Z on Facebook or to effectively reach the upper range of Gen X with Tik Tok), LinkedIn includes more than 11 million up and coming millennial decision makers, along with wide swaths of other generations.
It just makes sense for LinkedIn to be part of your B2B marketing strategy. Learn more about how to best use 7 of the top social media channels for business—Your Complete Social Media Guide: What, Where, When and How Often to Post.
You can also find more resources for planning and maximizing the impact of your social media content in our Online Learning Library.