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Turn Twitter Followers Into Referral Engines

Turn Twitter Followers Into Referral Engines

Word of mouth has always been a powerful influence on purchasing decisions, from asking your neighbor in a new town who they use for plumbing repairs to getting the scoop from a friend on the newest restaurant options.

With the advent of social media, that kind of personal preference and referral can reach much farther than a satisfied customer’s neighborhood or circle of close acquaintances. It can reach around the globe.

Twitter is a perfect example.

Turn Twitter Followers Into Referral Engines

Nearly 80 percent of Twitter followers say they recommend the brands they follow.  (Click to Tweet) That provides powerful incentive for brands, especially consumer products, to create and maintain a strong social media presence.

Develop content that appeals to your customers, outline digital echo goals for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other social media networks, and then specifically ask your followers to share what you have posted.

Social media is a great way to earn referrals and positive word of mouth.

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