3 Rules For Using Email to Generate Leads
Much of our discussion of emails for inbound marketing focuses on using email for automated lead nurturing. Part of that is because we all know by now that there are some types of email marketing that simply don’t work: spam.
That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t use email marketing to generate leads in addition to nurturing the leads you have.
There are just a few rules you need to follow to stay out of the junk folder and avoid sending recipients searching for the unsubscribe button.
Email marketing is just one of 30 great lead generation ideas outlined in our free ebook. Don’t miss out on the other 29.
Rule #1: Focus on an opt-in strategy for email marketing.
If you buy email lists and spam prospects with emails they aren’t interested in, you lose credibility, not to mention opportunities. When email recipients have opted in to be a part of your list, you know they have at least some interest in what you are saying.
Opt-in email lists can come from your blog subscribers, your existing business contacts (including existing leads and customers), or even from a dedicated campaign inviting interested prospects to receive your periodic email offers and newsletters.
Check out these tips from JONES partner HubSpot for more on building an opt-in email list.
Rule #2: Send people valuable offers.
One way the reach of your email marketing can expand beyond your existing list is when your subscribers share your emails or other content with their friends and colleagues. The only way to get them to do so, though, is by making your offers valuable and interesting.
That could mean offering downloads, discounts, contests or prizes. Give them something worth talking to others about.
HubSpot collected 12 great examples of email marketing offers in this blog post.
Rule #3: Give people the tools to share.
I just said you want your email recipients to share your offers, right? So make it easy for them.
Include sharing links that make it a one-click process for them to forward your email to a friend or share your offer on social media. The more they share with others, with an implicit word-of-mouth endorsement, the greater traction you gain from your email marketing.
There are many, many more details that go into creating successful marketing emails, from choosing the right subject lines to using the right images. But these three rules are a great place to start.
Find 29 more tricks for generating leads with stand-out calls to action, optimized landing pages and more in 30 Hot Lead Generation Tips, Tricks & Ideas.