A blog dedicated to helping small business understand and use social media


Size Matters In Social Media_ Make Sure Your Images Are On Target

When was the last time you scrolled through your Facebook feed and saw an image that just wasn’t right. Maybe it was a profile photo on an account that awkwardly chopped off the top of someone’s head. Or maybe it was like these “postcards” from a page I like, but am constantly frustrated by:


I’m a runner, and “I <3 to run” posts some incredible truisms about the activity/lifestyle/torture method. But they have a terrible habit of cutting off part of the image, meaning I have to click on it to even see what it says. Sometimes I do, but other times, I truly consider unfollowing because it is just annoying.

Don’t do that to your followers. Instead, take the extra time when preparing images for social media to think about where you will use and what you want the results to look like.  It will require some homework, because each social media platform has it’s own specifications for each type of image (profile, cover or header, timeline image or advertisement).

Luckily, StatusBrew pulled them all together for us in one place, updated for 2019. Save this infographic for a handy guideline as you create images for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, and Youtube.



With these sizes in hand, you are ready post images to all of your social media accounts that are eye-catching AND complete.

In case you were wondering about the rest of that postcard, here it is. From the website itself. All about the agony and glory that is a marathon. Keep running.


Topics: Social Media

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Keeping up with Kristin

KristinBW4.30.15I enjoy traveling the globe to meet with clients, educate companies about all things PR and Inbound Marketing, and speak at industry events.  Meet up with me when I’m in your city.  Where will I be next?  Meet Kristin

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