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5 Ways To Promote Your Marketing Content (infographic)

5 Ways To Promote Your Marketing Content

Inbound marketing relies on a number of processes to pull together complete campaigns that drive website traffic, capture leads and convert leads into sales.

You start with a strategy, then create the content, but that content can only be effective if you promote it so that it reaches your audience.

It isn’t enough to just publish a blog post and hope that someone finds it. Promotion kickstarts the traffic that helps boost SEO, in turn creating a snowball effect.

Here are five things you should be doing to promote your marketing content in order to drive traffic and lead conversions.

5 Ways To Promote Your Marketing Content (infographic)

1. Promote your blog posts on social media.

While you may already have a solid list of blog subscribers who get emails with each new post you publish, chances are your social media channels reach many more of your followers. Give them a prompt to read your latest how-to or list-based blog post linking to each new post with at least three updates in each of your social media channels. Those updates shouldn’t all appear on the same day, however. Spread them out: one immediately upon publication of the blog post; one a week later; and a third a month or more later, assuming the blog post is not time sensitive.

2. Promote your videos on social media.

It isn’t enough to just upload the video to YouTube and hope it gets views. Again, pushing a link out to your social media followers—on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn—or publishing it directly to Instagram, gives the video extra exposure so it can achieve its intended result, whether that is as an explainer video or a video intended to drive visitors back to your website with a call-to-action.

3. Promote offers on social media.

While the two steps above a typically at least one action removed from a conversion on your website (driving social media followers to view ungated content in the form of blog posts and videos), you can also use social media to directly promote your lead-generating offers by linking to landing pages. Be sure to use the text or image you share on social media with the link to highlight the benefit of the offer, such as saving time by using a template or determining costs with a calculator.

4. Use email to complement organic search.

While the thrust of inbound marketing lies in attracting visitors to your website, rather than pushing content out to them in an outbound manner, outbound email can be a great way to complement your SEO efforts and other content promotion tactics. Include links back to your blog in lead nurturing emails or other outbound email campaigns, showcasing the useful information available there.

5. Be creative!

There are plenty of other places you can promote your blog, videos and offers. Think outside the box (or on the box: include a link to your blog on product packaging). Enlist others in your company to promote your blog and other content in sales presentations, their email signatures, or in direct emails to customers and prospects. This is one reason it is important to keep sales informed about all of the content marketing is creating.

Are you using all of the tools available to you to promote your marketing content? Check off these 5 items, and 25 more essential steps in creating and implementing effective inbound marketing campaigns with our Inbound Marketing Scorecard. If you’re not sure just how to make these marketing content promotion tactics fit with your current campaigns, we’d love to chat. Click here to schedule a no-obligation consultation with a JONES team member to learn more about maximizing the impact of your marketing content.

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